Cycling and Roller Skiing

I read an article about cycling as a high activity to treat Parkinson’s Disease symptoms. So, I decided to dust off my road-bike and hit the roads.

The ride went well. I started early in the morning to avoid traffic and Florida strong winds.
Riding your bike in south Florida lacks uphills (other than overpasses), and the whole ride is pancake flat. However, headwind can make you feel like you are climbing up a mountain stage of the tour de France.

I went for about 20 miles at a relaxed pace and cadence. The goal is to get comfortable with the bike, saddle, and traffic. It has to be a stress-free ride to be enjoyable.
I saw, and I got passed by several cyclists along the A1A route. They were working together, drafting behind each other to avoid being worn out by the strong winds.

Done with the ride, I took a shower and had some breakfast. I didn’t feel any significant difference afterward as far as eased symptoms. Some sports or activities work better for some; for me, Roller skiing does it.

The sport of Roller Skiing

Roller skiing is off snow cross country skiing, and instead of skis, we use ski on wheels, called roller skis.
Roller skiing is as close as Cross country skiing gets. The only difference is that falling reminds you that you are not on snow.
The harmonious motion of switching your weight from side to side while keeping balance and rhythm is just relaxing. Meanwhile, you are getting a hell of a work out in.

Roberto rollerskiing in Seefeld, Austria 2013

As in cross country skiing, Roller skiing uses almost every muscle group in your body.
After roller skiing, I feel relaxed and healthier, I breath better, and my Parkinson’s Disease symptoms are under control without feeling sore from pounding, and overuse.

Give it a try! You need a pair of Roller Skis, a helmet, ski poles, and a smooth bike path to glide on. I roller ski in Central Park since it is my backyard.

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